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If you are looking for a way to measure your IQ then you have found the right game, in fact with IQ Test Evolution can discover your IQ in a simple and very fun.


The game has 30 levels and each level there are 8 figures in groups of three, then it's up to you to find and choose the missing figure from the right pane. So in each row there will be three figures that are in logical sequence one after the other in the back row and neither missing that you'll have to find out.


You're done with graphics FullHD to further enhance the player experience. At the end of the game you can see the result expressed in a scale up to 200 points and also you can see what levels have been given a right answer and to which the wrong one.


The highest scores will be saved and you can see the section of the Highscores. The game is available on multiple platforms and is constantly expanding, you can find both the free version that premium.


Available in 5 different languages:

1) English

2) Italian

3) French

4) German



Key features:

FullHD Graphic

Remote control holder


Great fun

Sound Effects

30 levels

High scores

Evaluation system

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Here are some screenshots of the game:

Here's the game link:


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