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This is a game that captures all the fun of a game is easy to understand both the opportunity for more experienced players, to achieve high scores. Find the highest number of digits possible swiping the screen or by tapping the single digits.  The game can be played either online, in multiplayer mode, both offline for unlimited fun.
In the game there are 3 possible modes, each with its own characteristics:


Arcade Infinity Mode

In this mode, the player must dial the number above, by the sum of those available, the mode is divided into infinite levels with increasing difficulty. Initially the numbers are only 10, but increases up to 30 after which the time will begin to scroll more quickly. The important thing is to use all available numbers within the time limit. More numbers are used for the sum and the higher the puntreggio reached at the end of the game that will be inserted into the high score table.


Time Rush Mode


In this mode, the game has a time limit of 60 seconds, the main aim of the game remains the same, but here it starts immediately with 30 numbers and each time that the numbers are used more appear in their place. In the case in which the digits used to dial a number are three, four, five, then it will appear a special number of different color. These numbers can be used to make initial bonus and multiply your score, or to collect extra time.


Multiplayer Mode

In this mode you can play against other players as friends appure simply against a random opponent. Here, the game lasts only 60 seconds, and the one who reaches the most points wins. The figures Colored Time Rush Mode there are also here and to dial numbers just drag your finger across the screen.



Seeks to demonstrate that you can achieve the highest score of all in each mode and complete various achievements from the easiest ones almost impossible.




Key features:

FullHD Graphic

Remote control holder


Great fun

Sound Effects

3 Game modes


A lot of Achievements

Facebook Integration

Here are some screenshots of the game:

This game is currently in development, so any information or graphics are not final and are likely to change over the course of the work.

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